Sunday, 9 December 2012

Here safe and sound


Sorry it has taken so long for me to post in here. I have had some internet troubles.

I have made it safe and sound to Viersen Deutschland. So far I have been ice skating and to one Christmas Market. The ice skating was very hard but I began to get the hang of it :) The ice rink was inside and outside.  There was a special part for the kids who were training. They were very good and very fast. The Market was cool. There were lots of lights and it was getting dark so it looked very pretty. I had a Bratwurst in a bun for dinner and I tasted many other things. Some were very tasty and other were not.

Some little things I have noticed.
The light switches are huge! Haha
The duvet does not go over the edges of the bed.
Lunch is dinner.
The chocolate is amazing.
They drive on the wrong side of the road and it feels very weird. Even the driver sits on the other side.
The house is very very warm and outside is freezing.
Sparkling water is more common than flat tap water.
The toilet seat is always down.
There are heaps of candles!!!!
Church is so beautiful. Like the ones we lean about in school.
When it snows they keep doing normal things unlike New Zealanders.

Love to you all.

P.S Pete the photos will not load from the computer to the website..... What am I doing wrong?

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